Rio Hondo Hail & Storm Damage Restoration

If you believe your home or property may have been damaged from the recent April 2nd hail storm, give us a call to schedule your free Storm Damage Inspection. We have a dedicated team of storm damage experts that are ready to help you!

With our years of experience with detecting hail and guiding homeowners through the insurance claims process, we will help ensure that your insurance company detects all damage and that your roof is properly restored back to pre-storm condition.

To schedule a free inspection, call (956) 320-2968. Take a look at the storm map below to see if your home or property was in the storm area:

Rio Hondo April 2017 Hail Storm

Free Storm Damage Inspection – (956) 320-2968

What’s the best thing to do after a hail storm?

Don’t go climbing on your roof with some checklist you downloaded from the Internet. Instead, get a free and professional roof inspection from a Rio Hondo roofing company that has experience with hail and storm damage restoration.

Our trained roofers will inspect your entire roof to determine how much damage is present and if an insurance claim is justified. We can also help ensure you receive proper compensation from your insurance company.

What kind of damage can hail to my roof?

No matter what type of roof you have, hail can leave behind serious damage. Hail can damage asphalt shingles by removing their protective granules, which makes your roof more susceptible to future storms. In the spots with missing granules, your roof will begin to dry and crack which can lead to potential leaks.